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Atomic Habits "Bookshop"

This group will meet for 6 weeks on the zoom platform. We will use the book Atomic Habits by James Clear to build yoga habits that may have been challenged during this time of social distancing. Using the lens of a yogi and concepts of yogic philosophy, the Yamas and Niyamas, we will implement strategies lined out in the book. Reading and obtaining the book is recommended (it is a great book!) but not necessary to take part in the group. We will walk down the path together.

Mondays June 15-July 20 from 4-5 pm

Week one (Setting the table. pg 1-55)

Week two (Law #1 pg 59-100)

Week three (Law #2 pg 101-139)

Week four (Law #3 pg 141-181)

Week five (Law #4 pg 183-215)

Week six (Where do we go from here? pg 217-255)

6 week session $30 ($20 for monthly passholders/ free for YTT participants.) Contact the studio for the appropriate discount.
